Thursday, August 5, 2010

School is almost here again

We are trying new curriculum this year.  It looks really good.  We like to change things around a bit so we don't get too bored with things.  We are staying with the Mystery of History series though.  John really enjoys it and it is his favorite subject.  I hope they have the 4th volume printed by next year (not sure if they plan to print or not).  John loves the chronological order and biblical history all together which makes it a great curriculum.  Something neat with the Christian Light Publications Curriculum they combine English, Spelling and Writing into one subject called Language Arts making for less books to buy and complete.

I'm really hoping and praying that Joseph enjoys school more this year.  I will need lots of prayer that I'm not too boring.  He is a hands-on kind of guy and I'm, well, rather boring.  

John's Curriculum 
Christian Light Publications Reading 7, Language Arts  6, Science 6, and Math 6
Mystery of History Vol 3
 Piano lessons

Joseph's Curriculum
Christian Light Publications Learning to Read, Reading 1, Math 1, Language Arts 1, Social Studies 1 and Science 1

1 comment:

  1. We will be starting around the beginning of Sept. I have already ordered ours and it will be here sometime before then. The boys are excited about doing the ABeka dvd's.
